How to organise a movie night event in your home and inspire your friends for action!

Why host a film night? 

Films are a powerful way to make an impact by telling stories and connecting with the people affected. The best films take us on a journey that challenges us with a problem, provides solutions and suggests opportunities for action. 

We live in a modern society where we are often communicated to as consumers and individuals. By coming together for education and activation, your friends can share an experience of feeling empowered to act as citizens and humans!

Here are some tips from the Greenpeace crew on running a successful film night.

Before the event

Choose the films. For example, if you’re choosing to support the Greenpeace campaign to transform agriculture you can show one, or all of these three films: 

You can also choose to show a film about Greenpeace campaigns to end plastics; or to protect the oceans, from our Youtube channel: Greenpeace Aotearoa Youtube playlists

  1. Choose a day and time and book in the event
  2. Invite people – contact people directly
  3. Ask for help – people like having a role! Ask around for help to set up any technical requirements, arrange chairs, prepare any refreshments, clean up afterwards. If you’re feeling a little nervous, ask someone to be your co-host
  4. Prepare an introduction to welcome friends to the event – why have you chosen this topic and film? Why is it important for you, and for Aotearoa?
  5. Prepare simple questions to ask after the film to spark a discussion. It can be an open discussion, no one needs to be an expert eg.
    1. How do you feel after the films? What worries you? What inspires you?
    2. What is your vision for the future of food and farming/a circular economy/the oceans in Aotearoa?
  6. Prepare an easy way for people to sign the petition, take any other action, and join the campaign
  7. Remind people! Life can get busy, and a reminder can be an extra motivation to come. 
    1. Share any directions to arrive at your venue, where they can park
    2. Is the venue accessible? Consider the experience for people who may have low vision or use a wheelchair.

The event

  1. Introduce the films
  2. Watch and enjoy!
  3. Open up for a discussion and share responses and ideas. You may want to collect questions to follow up with answers afterwards.
  4. Invite everyone to take action, such as signing a petition to join the campaign. Is there another opportunity for action that is important in your local region?
  5. Take a photo to record the occasion
  6. Relax and socialise! 

After the event

Have any questions? Email the Greenpeace crew at [email protected]