Greenpeace today heralded Mighty River Powers decision to scrap Marsden B, which would have been the first major coal fired power station built in New Zealand for over 30 years.

“This is a great win firstly for the climate and for the thousands of Kiwis who opposed Marsden B. Mighty River Power’s decision is another nail in the coffin for coal – New Zealand’s energy future is in renewable energy not fossil fuels,” said Vanessa Atkinson, Greenpeace climate campaigner.
Following the scrapping of Marsden B Mighty River Power now needs to abandon its pending court action, including appealing the landmark case in which Greenpeace won a High Court decision to allow climate change to be considered in light of a proposed coal-fired power station.
“This coal proposal has wasted tax payers dollars. The Government must not allow a repeat of this costly exercise and instead ensure no new coal fired power stations, urgently phase out existing coal and commit to a 100 per cent renewable electricity supply,” said Atkinson.
Greenpeace last week released a report showing how New Zealand could reach a 100 per cent renewable electricity supply by 2025. Atkinson said this was the first step in that direction.
Local residents, local Iwi, Greenpeace New Zealand and other national environmental groups have been fighting the proposed station for over two years since plans were first announced to re-fire Marsden B on coal the worst climate change polluter of all fossil fuels.