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Malaysia vs Plastic
Strategic actions and policy recommendations Greenpeace Malaysia sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES).
Silent Enemy: Report on Haze Pollution & the Right to Clean Air
Report on Haze Pollution & the Right to Clean Air
People vs. Plastic: Global Support for a Strong Plastics Treaty
Discover findings of an extensive survey conducted across 19 countries, involving over 19,000 respondents, to gauge public opinion regarding the Global Plastics Treaty and related measures. The survey results shed light on the overwhelming support among the public for ambitious action to tackle plastic pollution and transition towards sustainable alternatives.
Uncovered: Unilever’s Complicity in the Plastics Crisis and Its Power to Solve It
Greenpeace International investigates the reality behind these soundbites. We expose the blight of Unilever’s single-use sachets on low-income communities and the glaring gap that exists between what the company says it will do, and what it actually does. We conclude by urging Unilever to grasp the opportunity presented by the new UN Global Plastics Treaty…
This report details the cumulative threats facing our oceans and includes a new global analysis of high seas fishing activity.
Forever Toxic
Without dramatically reducing plastic production, it will be impossible to end plastic pollution and eliminate the health threats from chemicals in plastics.
2020-2021 Report: What lies beyond the horizon?
Starkly held up to us are images of a fractured planet with its and its inhabitants’ health threatened. But among the images are also those of shifting mindsets and of humans coming together so that all interconnected life can regain our balance and fluidity of being.
Different Air Under One Sky
Pollutants emitted into the atmosphere drive the global threats posed by both air pollution and climate change. The negative impacts of these crises are not felt equally and it is often the most vulnerable people who are most severely affected.
The Health and Economic Impacts of Ambient Air Quality in Malaysia
Air pollution is the fourth leading risk factor of premature death globally and the greatest environmental threat to human health.
Burning Issues: Five Years of Fire
The 2015 fire season in Indonesia was the worst in nearly two decades, with the blazes for almost a month emitting daily carbon emissions that exceeded those from the entire US economy.