The latest official count of climate emissions in New Zealand has been released today.

The Government’s Greenhouse Gas inventory for 2018 shows New Zealand’s emissions have increased by 24 per cent since 1990, with agriculture emissions rising 17.1 per cent.

Greenpeace has responded to the latest figures, calling for the Government to use its multi-billion dollar infrastructure and stimulus spending to help address climate change.

“The Government’s focus is rightly on the Covid-19 crisis at the moment, but today’s report is a reminder that the climate crisis isn’t going away,” says Greenpeace campaigner Gen Toop.

“Covid-19 has shown us that both people and governments can respond and adapt quickly in a time of crisis. It’s a reminder that we can make big leaps for our health and wellbeing if we choose to.” 

“The Government needs to direct its multi-billion dollar infrastructure and stimulus funds towards regenerative farming and clean transformative infrastructure like renewable energy and electric transport.”

Greenpeace has released a Green Covid Response package, which has been presented to Government Ministers. Already over 11,000 people have signed a petition urging Jacinda Ardern to consider it.

It includes a billion dollar regenerative farming fund to help farmers shift to more climate-friendly land-uses, a plan to electrify the rail network and solarise and insulate hundreds of thousands of Kiwi homes.

Toop says “Public money must be used to transform our society into one where we truly take care of one another and the only planet we’ve got.”

“We can reduce emissions at the same time as lifting living standards for all New Zealanders, creating thousands of good green jobs, and accelerating a just transition away from fossil fuels, industrial dairying and other polluting industries.”



The Greenhouse Gas Inventory can be found here.