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Papuan Indigenous Activists Present Quarter-Million Signatures to Supreme Court
Brandishing shields, bows, and legal dossiers, Auyu environmental warriors today took the fight for their traditional land from the forests of South Papua into a Jakarta courtroom.
Awyu People’s Struggle to Defend Forest Home from Palm Oil Rejected in Court; Community Files Cassation Appeal
Hendrikus Woro remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice to protect the Indigenous lands of his community from encroachment by the palm oil industry, today submitting a Cassation appeal to the Supreme Court.
Samai Panthakote: Community Leader and Defender of Forests
The government claims that the wind turbine project is good for carbon offsetting. But this area already has forests rich enough to store carbon. This lush forest is our home.
Who’s Enjoying the Profits? Indonesian Corporations Feigning Transparency
In our new report ‘Feigning Transparency' we find there are loopholes in Indonesia's new beneficial ownership transparency policy, allowing corporations to legitimately continue to conceal where profits are flowing to.
Deforestation: Playing With Fire | An analysis of Indonesia’s FOLU Net Sink 2030 policy
Greenpeace Indonesia's analysis of the FOLU Net Sink 2030 policy found that this policy could backfire on the effort to ensure the survival of the nation’s forests. Instead of absorbing emissions, the FOLU Net Sink 2030 strategy risks perpetuating deforestation and the destruction of natural forests.
Indonesian President’s COP28 Speech Parodied Over Food Estate Failures
Activists have parodied Indonesian president Joko Widodo’s disastrous food estate spruiked yesterday in his speech to the United Nations climate talks in Dubai
Verdict a setback for Awyu Indigenous People and Papuan forests
Regret over a court’s rejection of Awyu People's environmental and climate change lawsuit challenging the issuance of an environmental permit for a company to clear Awyu traditional forest lands.
Greenpeace Deplores Indonesian Government’s Absence at Congo Three Basin Summit
Greenpeace Indonesia has called out the Indonesian government’s failure to attend the Three Basins Summit in Brazzaville, Congo on October 26-28, a new initiative where efforts to save tropical rainforests from destruction were the agenda.
Asia Pulp and Paper Sinarmas slammed over broken no deforestation and peatland promises
Greenpeace International today released a review and 10-year report card exposing the broken promises of Asia Pulp and Paper Sinarmas (APP Sinarmas) on deforestation, peatland and social conflict in its Feb 2013 Forest Conservation Policy.
From the Papuan wilderness, indigenous youths unite and call on ID government to save remaining forests
The camp was organized to encourage indigenous youths play an active role in responding to environmental problems, as well as to empower them to ask the government to recognize our customary land and our rights as Indigenous People.