September ini, jutaan orang di seluruh dunia keluar dari sekolah, tempat kerja, dan rumah untuk bergabung dengan anak-anak muda untuk beraksi dalam Climate Strike, sebuah pawai iklim yang meminta para pemimpin dunia agar bertindak segera mengatasi perubahan iklim.
Adalah seorang gadis berusia 15 tahun, Greta Thunberg yang memulai aksi bolos sekolah kemudian ia duduk di luar parlemen Swedia dan menyerukan kepada para politisi tentang isu iklim.
Greta menginspirasi gerakan global besar-besaran, ketika jutaan siswa dari seluruh penjuru dunia keluar dari sekolah setiap hari Jumat dan mendesak para pemimpin dunia agar bertindak sekarang untuk segera melindungi masa depan kolektif kita – sebelum semuanya terlambat.
Pada tanggal 20 September, kita bersama-sama membunyikan alarm dan menuntut tindakan segera dari perusahaan yang paling bertanggung jawab atas krisis iklim. Berikut adalah foto-foto pilihan dari aksi #ClimateStrike di Jakarta dan jutaan orang dari 150 negara juga bergabung dengan gerakan yang sama.
People join the rally of the Climate Strike in Jakarta. About 18 cities in Indonesia join the Climate Strike global movement. Millions of people from 150 countries also join the same movement.
People join the rally of the Climate Strike in Jakarta. About 18 cities in Indonesia join the Climate Strike global movement. Millions of people from 150 countries also join the same movement.
People join the rally of the Climate Strike in Jakarta. About 18 cities in Indonesia join the Climate Strike global movement. Millions of people from 150 countries also join the same movement.
People join the rally of the Climate Strike in Jakarta. About 18 cities in Indonesia join the Climate Strike global movement. Millions of people from 150 countries also join the same movement.
New York
People across the U.S. left their homes, workplaces, and schools for a youth-led Global Climate Strike. They marched and rallied to demand transformative action to address the climate crisis, and called on leaders to choose to side with young people, not fossil fuel executives polluting the planet for profit.
The September 20-27 global week of action is the beginning of a reckoning for the fossil fuel industry that will launch a growing movement of millions of people through the 2020 election toward a more just, green, and peaceful future for all.
San Francisco
People across the U.S. left their homes, workplaces, and schools for a youth-led Global Climate Strike. They marched and rallied to demand transformative action to address the climate crisis, and called on leaders to choose to side with young people, not fossil fuel executives polluting the planet for profit.
The September 20-27 global week of action is the beginning of a reckoning for the fossil fuel industry that will launch a growing movement of millions of people through the 2020 election toward a more just, green, and peaceful future for all.
An estimated seventy-thousand people are participating in the third global climate strike in Cologne. Greenpeace activists are demanding better climate change policies in 86 cities across Germany.
Millions of people around the world strike from school or work to demand urgent measures to stop the climate crisis.
Los Angeles
Actress, Entertainer, Writer and Greenpeace Activist Jane Fonda participates in the youth-led climate strike. People in Los Angeles and across the U.S. left their homes, workplaces, and schools for a youth-led Global Climate Strike. They marched and rallied to demand transformative action to address the climate crisis, and called on leaders to choose to side with young people, not fossil fuel executives polluting the planet for profit.
The September 20-27 global week of action is the beginning of a reckoning for the fossil fuel industry that will launch a growing movement of millions of people through the 2020 election toward a more just, green, and peaceful future for all.
Environmental activists take part in the Climate strike protest in Nairobi calling for action on climate change on September 20,2019.
Across the globe, people are taking to the streets demanding action on the climate. In Bucharest an estimated 900-1000 people marched from National Library of Romania, through Unirii Square towards the headquarters of the Ministry of Environment.
Around 10 000 people participate in the Global Climate Strike in Stockholm, Sweden, led by the Fridays for Future, a movement of people around the world striking from school or work to demand urgent measures to stop the climate crisis.
Thousands of students in Czech republic united with the adults and joined the global climate strike before the New York Climate Summit.
Sao Paulo
Along with the world, Brazil took to the streets to defend the planet, our common home. The Global Climate Strike, a youth-led global mobilization that calls for concrete measures to curb carbon dioxide emissions and combat global warming, has brought more than 4 million people to demonstrations around the world in 163 countries. In Brazil, at least 65 cities participated and called for the defense of the Amazon and for climate justice.
Greenpeace Brazil, as part of the Climate Coalition, one of the organizers of the Sao Paulo mobilization, took to the streets in support of young people. With irreverence and humor, we deride the dismantling of the current government’s environmental policies by showing the agents and discourses that seek to distort real facts and disqualify science.
On 27th of September, youth climate activists and students organized a climate strike. The strike mobilized over 1,000 thousand citizens. Youth activists&parents&teachers and speakers from different sectors delivered the political message calling on the president to take more responsible climate action. Strike group marched from Gwanghwamun to Cheong-Wa-Dae (the executive office of the President of South Korea). After the march, youth climate strikers delivered the letter to the government official demanding the president to declare a climate emergency.
Masih ada banyak lagi kota-kota lain di seluruh dunia yang ikut bergabung untuk bersama-sama melawan #KrisisIklim.