We welcome today’s ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel, Greenpeace calls upon the international community to do everything it can to support the innocent victims of the conflict – the majority of whom are women and children – and to ensure a lasting peace in which Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side.
Even as the immediate conflict stops lives will continue to be lost in the days, weeks, months and years to come, as a consequence of the brutal and indiscriminate violence.
Today must be the first day on the long road to healing, in which the deafening noise of bullets and bombs gives way to negotiations towards a lasting peace built on safety, justice and equal rights for all. In the wake of the humanitarian and ecological carnage, International law must be upheld.
Greenpeace recognises the deep historic roots that need to be discussed and negotiated if a permanent peace is to be established. Greenpeace calls for an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine. Greenpeace supports the UNSC Resolution ambition that “Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognised borders, consistent with international law and relevant UN resolutions.”