Let’s hold the big polluters to account

Globally, more than 380 million tonnes of plastic are produced each year. Coca-Cola is the worst plastic polluter for the fifth consecutive year. With your help we can push the government to increase refill and reuse options to meet this global crisis.
We need bold action that ends plastic pollution at the source and holds plastic polluters like Coca Cola to account.

Take action to ban the bottle
Every year it’s estimated we are sold more than a billion plastic bottles here in New Zealand by plastic polluters like Cocoa Cola. This plastic ends up clogging our landfills, getting shipped offshore and incinerated overseas, where it harms human health, or it winds up on our coast, causing harm to wildlife like the toroa (albatross) and breaking down into tiny toxic pieces which end up in our food.
Greenpeace is calling on the New Zealand Government to ban single-use plastic bottles and to incentivise reusable and refillable alternatives. Will you join us?

Ban the bottle petition
Sign on now to call on the government to ban throwaway plastic bottles and mandate for reusable alternatives:

Tell Coca Cola New Zealand’s Managing Director Chris Litchfield to stop trashing the oceans and ditch plastic bottles now!