New Regional Council must drop Supreme Court dam bid
Greenpeace is calling on the new Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to abandon its fight to the Supreme Court over conservation land needed for the Ruataniwha Dam.
Greenpeace promises summer of action as oil giant Statoil signals retreat
In the wake of Norwegian oil giant Statoil’s sudden exit from Northland, Greenpeace NZ is calling for a summer of action to drive Statoil and other oil companies out of the country for good.
Tiki Taane and Greenpeace serenade Electricity Authority with 45,000 suns to protest “solar tax”
New Zealand musician Tiki Taane has just taken 45,000 paper suns to New Zealand’s electricity watchdog, each with the name of someone who signed a petition demanding the authority support solar energy and prohibit electricity providers from penalising solar users.
Greenpeace welcomes Hawke’s Bay anti-dam council
Greenpeace has welcomed the preliminary results of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council election, saying the new council's top priority must be to ditch the Ruataniwha dam.
Sold Down River: How Big Irrigation Will Pollute Our Water
When it comes to clean water, industrial agriculture remains New Zealand’s biggest challenge, and large-scale irrigation schemes planned around the country are set to make things worse.
Dam promoters look to acquire land under Public Works Act
In an extraordinary move, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Investment company has said it’s taking the first step in the process of acquiring land needed for the Ruataniwha Dam under the Public Works Act.
A Deadly Trade-Off: IOI’s Palm Oil Supply and its Human and Environmental Costs
Greenpeace has published this new report which once again demonstrates that palm oil giant IOI is still involved in deforestation and draining of the rainforest - this time through their third party suppliers. The continued drainage of peat lands link them to the devastating fires in Indonesia.
Anti-dam billboards go up around Hawke’s Bay
Greenpeace is erecting anti-Ruataniwha billboards around Hawke’s Bay this morning, two weeks out from the close of voting in regional council elections.
Greenpeace demands end to public subsidies for irrigation after damning report
Greenpeace is demanding an end to public subsidies for large-scale irrigation projects, after a report revealed the Government has thrown millions of dollar at a proposed irrigation project in the Wairarapa that doesn’t stack up financially.
Our Government, the blockheads. Again
The New Zealand Government is pleased to announce that next year they’re keen to open more than 500,000 square kilometres of our ocean for oil companies to survey and drill, including parts of the marine mammal sanctuary, home to the world’s most endangered dolphin, the Māui.