The organisation says that the Government’s plans to ditch freshwater rules and Te Mana o Te Wai are an attack on New Zealanders’ access to safe, clean freshwater and drinking water.
Letter from Government on plans to override environmental laws
ECAN fails to provide free drinking water testing for communities impacted by nitrate contamination
An Environment Canterbury vote to NOT provide free community water testing for nitrate contamination has shocked Greenpeace Aotearoa.
Greenpeace Aotearoa Submission on GCSL’s resource consent applications to build and operate a waste-to-energy incinerator in Te Awamutu
This is a submission by Greenpeace Aotearoa on the publicly notified application by Global Contracting Solutions Limited (GCL) to establish and operate a waste-to-energy incineration power station in Te Awamutu.
Milking it: how the intensive dairy industry rewrote freshwater rules in their favour
Shocking new evidence exposes how the intensive dairy industry lobbied MPs to rewrite freshwater rules in their favour.