A Greenpeace investigation has revealed that some of New Zealand’s recycled plastic may end up dumped and burned illegally in Malaysia.
Sign on now to call for a ban on plastic waste exports from New Zealand
Take ActionA Greenpeace investigation has revealed that some of New Zealand’s recycled plastic may end up dumped and burned illegally in Malaysia.
Sign on now to call for a ban on plastic waste exports from New Zealand
Take ActionThe fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC5) for a Global Plastics Treaty ended today with an agreement to meet again for what will be the final negotiation meeting…
Busan, South Korea – British, German, Taiwanese and Mexican activists (1) are being detained by the South Korean police, following a 12 hour peaceful protest against a petrochemical shipment yesterday…
Daesan, South Korea – As the final negotiations for a UN Global Plastics Treaty enter a critical phase in Busan, South Korea[1] Greenpeace International activists have boarded a tanker that…