
Greenpeace encourages the reproduction and distribution of our materials, electronic products and/or services, including our name and logo. However, there are limits on these uses, and it’s important to know the following ground rules.

Greenpeace, Help Delhi Breath & Care4Air came together and urged the Minister of Environment to not consider diluting the emission standards for thermal power stations. The MoEFCC assured and notified that they will not be diluting the thermal power station emission standards. Implementing the standards would be a step forward in reducing the rising air pollution in the country.


Don’t copyright my genes!

In general

Our materials hosted at are free to use for personal or educational purposes. If you want screenshots to use in a text book, or you want to reproduce an article in your community newsletter, there’s no need to ask, provided you read and abide by our ground rules.

We expressly forbid the use of any Greenpeace material appearing at this site, and/or the Greenpeace name and logo, for:

Linking to our website

We love it when you link to us and help spread the word about our campaigns for the environment. You don’t need permission, and there is a small collection of banners and logos that you can use. You are welcome to link to our main site or any of the issue areas you find there.

The Greenpeace logo

“Greenpeace”, including the Greenpeace logo, is an internationally registered trademark belonging to Stichting Greenpeace Council.

Use of the trademark is granted on the condition:

If you do use the logo, please include “Trademark of Stichting Greenpeace Council” in the alt tag or visibly on the page.

The trademark remains the exclusive property of Greenpeace, and by using it you agree that you shall not, in any way whatsoever, register or attempt to register the trademark or challenge the same.

Articles and Text

Articles and text produced by Greenpeace is free for personal or educational use. Please do include a note saying: “Source: Greenpeace (” and reproduce any byline or copyright information provided in the original.

Articles and text from third party sources remain the intellectual property and copyright of those third party sources, and permission for use should be sought from these original sources.


You can see copyright information in the full-sized pop-up of any image by clicking on the thumbnail.

Any image which is copyright of Greenpeace that appears on our website can be freely copied for personal or educational use, provided you reproduce the copyright information in its entirety.

Any other use (such as using images for personal or corporate gain) require permission from Greenpeace International Photo and Video Library (contact information appears below). Commercial use of any Greenpeace image without permission would constitute a copyright infringement and may infringe upon other rights.

News images of reproduction quality (around 8 megabytes in size) distributed by Greenpeace to journalists and agencies via this site are intended for use within fourteen days, and archiving and/or resale of these images is strictly forbidden. After fourteen days, please contact Greenpeace at the address below:

Media Library
Ottho Heldringstraat 5
1066 AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 20 718 2115
Fax: +31 (0) 20 718 2002
Email: [email protected]
Greenpeace Media Library operates from 09.30 to 17.00 CET Monday to Friday excluding public holidays (Netherlands).
At the Indian office you may contact:
Email: [email protected]


Use of video is subject to the same conditions as other materials above. However, please note that not all of our videos are available for download. For any further information that you may require, please contact the same address and telephone number as mentioned under media library.


Greenpeace is a network consisting of Greenpeace International and 26 independent national and regional Greenpeace organisations.

The content on each subsection of is published and managed by the relevant entity. Pages whose address begins with, are under the editorial control of the Indian Greenpeace office. For questions, comments or other feedback, please contact the responsible Greenpeace office. You can generally see at the top of each page which regional section you are on.

For the sake of convenience, we may refer to “Greenpeace” on this website when talking about either Greenpeace International or one of the national or regional Greenpeace organisations. Moreover, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used for reasons of convenience to refer to other offices in the Greenpeace network and their respective staff, activists and volunteers.