- Pedestrian-friendly cities
Allocate dedicated car and motorbike-free zones within the city.
Create walking and cycle-friendly infrastructure to encourage usage of the same for last mile connectivity and short distance trips.
Rationalise road space utilisation by prioritising road space for non-motorised transport (walking/cycling), emergency vehicles, buses and other public transport, and finally provide very limited space for private vehicles.
Implement a comprehensive parking policy that frees public spaces, footpaths, cycle tracks etc. from illegal parking and makes those spaces available to non-motorised transport (NMT). Parking policy for private vehicles should be such that (i) the charges are pegged to land values and (ii) private vehicles are not allowed to block footpaths or roads in residential or commercial areas.
Demand Better Transportation For Clean Air
- Cycle friendly cities
Allocate a dedicated Urban Transport Fund to improve the NMT infrastructure.
As part of NMT-friendly infrastructure, introduce no-car and zero emission zones in city centres.
Create an interconnected network of segregated cycle tracks that cover all the arterial and major arterial roads. There should be a target to increase the percentage of cycle lanes by 25 percent per annum as per guidelines.
Create NMT parking near all major bus stops, metro stations and terminals within a year. All markets and commercial places should have secure cycle stands. These stands should have adequate lighting to discourage theft. At least 10 cycles can be fitted in the same amount of space as a car!
All streets should be adequately illuminated at night. Attention should be paid to the high mast streetlights that aren’t obstructed by trees resulting in dark spots on the streets.
Incentivise cycling through tax deductions for cycle-related purchases and services. There is an urgent need to reduce or remove GST on cycles.
Subsidise cycles for low income groups including women and students.