Time is running out for our blue planet

Sea Grass at Saya De Malha Bank in the Indian Ocean. © Tommy Trenchard / Greenpeace
© Tommy Trenchard / Greenpeace

Our global oceans and all life on Earth hang in the balance.

Add your name to call on leaders to create new ocean sanctuaries and protect our blue planet.

Why should you add your name?

After years of campaigning, millions of people all over the world celebrated the historic Global Ocean Treaty which has the power to provide sanctuaries for marine life and ecosystems to recover and thrive.

But with a heating climate, overfishing and pollution pushing our oceans to the brink of collapse, world leaders need to sign the Treaty into law to bring it into force and unlock its potential for creating these sanctuaries.

Deep Dive in the Amazon Reef. © Greenpeace / Alexis Rosenfeld

In September 2023, Greenpeace International published 30×30: From Global Ocean Treaty to Protection at Sea setting out the political process to deliver protection for the global oceans. The report explores how cumulative pressures on the high seas are increasing, and quantifies for the first time the growing fishing activity in areas earmarked for protection, using data from Global Fishing Watch.