Amsterdam, Netherlands – Today, students across more than 20 countries, including Uganda, Indonesia, Germany, India and New Zealand are broadcasting live from Greenpeace International’s Twitter and Instagram accounts on the global day of #FridaysforFuture #Youth4Climate climate strike. [1]
Greenpeace International executive director, Jennifer Morgan said:
“Any movement that challenges a global power structure which favours polluters must be heard. Young people across the world are connected by an understanding of the science. They see the evidence of a dangerously changing climate and the existential threat it poses to their shared future. They are demanding something better and can imagine the possibilities. They have asked to use Greenpeace channels to be heard by anyone who is ready to act against the climate emergency — so we are giving it to them. We encourage other NGOs to do the same.”
Added 28 May 2019:
Jennifer Morgan, the day before this strike, also signed — along with Bill Mckibben, Margaret Atwood, Yeb Sano, Christiana Figueres along with many other leaders — a letter issued by the youth activist, Greta Thunberg, calling for a student strike for the climate on the 20th of September. [2]
[1] More information about why and where students are striking can be found here.
[2] Read the call to solidarity here.
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