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Youth and environmentalists in Norway seek to halt production of oil and gas fields on appeal
Greenpeace Nordic and Natur og Ungdom are once again facing the Norwegian government in court, in appeal proceedings.
How a landmark case against Norway’s oil and gas expansion could set a global legal precedent
Greenpeace Nordic, six youth activists and Nature and Youth took the Norwegian government European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to stop the expansion of oil and gas in the arctic.
Inside Greenpeace International’s legal fight against Big Oil’s bullying lawsuit
The European Union’s new anti-SLAPP Directive is a major step toward ending the practice of the courts being abused to silence those who speak out on matters of public interest.
Greenpeace International challenges Energy Transfer in first use of EU anti-SLAPP Directive
Energy Transfer’s lawsuit is a perfect prototype of what the EU Directive aims to end: wealthy players using towering legal claims and costs to muzzle criticism.
The Story of the Energy Transfer SLAPP Lawsuit, and Why It Matters
For more than 50 years, Greenpeace has taken action in defence of people and the planet. To ensure we can continue this work, let Energy Transfer know that #ImWithGreenpeace.
6 lies fossil fuel companies tell to continue business as usual
Every time they are in the spotlight for the disastrous effects of their business, fossil fuel companies serve up the same old fraudulent arguments. Tired of their bogus excuses?
Ottawa plastic talks end in weak compromise
People are being harmed by plastic production every day, but states are listening more closely to petrochemical lobbyists than health scientists.
Taking on the Russian oil shadow fleet
In two inflatables, bringing a number of peace flags and a few buckets of white paint, we tracked the vessel and sent a message “OIL IS WAR - PEOPLE WANT PEACE” is now displayed in bold letters on the side of the vessel.
TotalEnergies in Africa: A legacy of destruction
Since 1956, TotalEnergies has driven and profited from the exploitation of Africa’s natural resources at an enormous cost to local communities and the environment.