Amsterdam, Netherlands – Today world leaders are virtualÂly presenting new, ambitious climate commitments to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, but there is nothing to celebrate. The climate emergency rages on. While governments bring throwaway climate-saving rhetoric with one hand, they still dump money into fossil fuels with the other, and people and nature are left holding the bill.

Greenpeace is demanding an end to the empty promises and for governments to honour the agreement and reduce their emissions to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. The system is rigged; it rewards emitting GHGs, which undermines the Paris Agreement made five years ago.

Greenpeace International Executive Director, Jennifer Morgan, said:

“Today marks the commemoration of the five years of the Paris Anniversary, but the happiness I felt in Paris five years ago is now far overshadowed by the reality of the climate emergency and the completely inadequate response by governments. Instead of seeing governments supporting a green and just recovery, and making commitments in line with the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement, we have witnessed continued support for the fossil fuel industry that created the climate emergency.  

But every struggle must be guided by determination and hope. The growth of movements around the world in the last five years is a testament to our common understanding of what is at stake while giving us the courage to act. Together we have catalysed the transformation needed to phase out fossil fuels and stay below 1.5°C, and we will continue to fight for the world we so desperately need.  Today is a day for leaders to show they have listened to people and to nature, and that they are able to lead us through this climate crisis.”  

Greenpeace International, Global Climate Politics Lead, Juan Pablo Osornio, said: 

“The fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement is happening as we are collectively suffering through a pandemic. Peoples’ sense of security and well being is being tested like never before. Governments need to use this opportunity to show the world that they are capable of protecting us from global threats. Governments need to stand in solidarity with people who have been made vulnerable by fossil fuel interests and align their recovery packages and commitments with 1.5°C.”

Greenpeace East Asia, Senior Global Policy Advisor (Climate, Biodiversity, and Oceans),  Li Shuo, said:

Five years on, the Paris Agreement has demonstrated its resilience. Now it’s up to the countries to fulfill their promise to enhance ambition. The majority of them are nowhere near where they should be. Let the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement serve as a reminder to them of what needs to be done. We have one planet, five years, and countless lives – we need to make this anniversary count.

Greenpeace Executive Director, John Sauven, said:

“Five years ago, the Paris climate agreement charted a route to a safer, healthier and fairer future for everyone. But lack of progress from government and corporations means we’re still heading for more heatwaves, fires, floods, and hurricanes. The multiple disasters of 2020 may seem exceptional, but they risk becoming the new normal unless we change direction.

“There are reasons for hope. US voters have defied the odds by unseating the world’s most powerful climate denier. With Donald Trump out of the White House and stronger climate action from China, South Korea and Japan, we now have a fighting chance to bring the world back together in a moonshot effort to cut planet-warming emissions. 

“Next year’s climate summit in Glasgow could be the catalyst for the real breakthrough we so badly need. As the summit’s host, the UK government must lead by example and show the world that by stopping the climate crisis, we can also restart our economy and create the jobs and industries of the future that can benefit everyone.”


Full media briefing

Photos and videos regarding the anniversary can be found in the Greenpeace Media Library


To speak to Jennifer Morgan or Juan Pablo Osornio:

Arin de Hoog, Greenpeace International communications hub
[email protected] +31 646 197 329

Li Shuo, Greenpeace East Asia Senior Global Policy Advisor (Climate, Biodiversity, and Oceans) [email protected], +86 15201681548

To speak to John Sauven:

Daniel Jones, Greenpeace UK press desk [email protected], +44 (0)7973889700

Greenpeace International Press Desk: [email protected], +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours)