March Against Mining Auckland on May 1, 2010
More than 40,000 people marchup Queen Street against John Key's National Government’s mining plans which include a proposal to open up protected areas within national parks to miners.
Over 40,000 In March Against Govt’s Mining Plans
Over 40,000 People Turned Out For A March Against The Government’s Mining Plans.
March Against Mining announced for 1st May in Auckland
A coalition of environment groups including Greenpeace, has announced a public march against the Government’s mining plans on May 1 in Auckland.
For the greater good
Adrian Leason was one of the three ploughshares activists acquitted by a jury recently in the Waihopi Spy base story. Following the verdict, Leason summed up what has been a…
Fonterra’s Climate Crimes: A call to action
Just before dawn this morning Greenpeace activists shut down a mine pit at the Southland ‘New Vale’ lignite coalmine. This was the third of a series of actions targeting Fonterra’s…
Fonterra implicated in rainforest destruction
A Greenpeace investigation has revealed that the iconic New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra is implicated in Indonesian and Malaysian rainforest destruction, dead orangutans and driving global greenhouse gas emissions.
Future Investment – Energy
This report shows that investment in renewables pays off quite quickly due to massive savings in fuel costs. In fact, a 'business as usual' mix in the world global power generation sector would result in 10 times higher fuel costs, when compared to the additional investment needed to implement the energy [r]evolution pathway.
Legal action puts New Zealand polluters on notice
Lawyers for Greenpeace are today serving legal notice on 20 New Zealand companies over their contribution to climate change.
Amchitka: the founding voyage
In 1971, a small group of activists set sail to the Amchitka island off Alaska to try and stop a US nuclear weapons test. The money for the mission was…
Climate the winner as Marsden B scrapped
Greenpeace today heralded Mighty River Powers decision to scrap Marsden B, which would have been the first major coal fired power station built in New Zealand for over 30 years.