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Happy 30th birthday, EU! Time to grow up.
A significant birthday is a good time for a reality check. As the Maastricht Treaty hits 30, it’s time for the European Union to rethink its fiscal priorities and face up to the planetary emergency.
Taxonomy greenwashing: activists cover Macron portraits in oil ahead of speech to MEPs
Activists at the European Parliament plunged official portraits of Emmanuel Macron in fake crude oil to denounce the French president’s “climate sabotage.”
Open letter: NGOs to refuse invitations to speak at fossil-fuel sponsored media events
Sixteen European civil society organisations will no longer accept invitations to speak at media events on EU policy sponsored by fossil fuel companies.
EU taxonomy: Commission backs ‘green’ investments for burning trees
The European Commission has greenwashed green investment rules published today under the EU’s so-called EU taxonomy, said Greenpeace.
European recovery plans must be green
We wrote to EU environment ministers urging them to ensure that the Recovery and Resilience Plans they are negotiating with the European Commission:
Letter to MEPs on excluding fossil fuels from the Recovery and Resilience Facility
The Green 10 – the ten largest environmental networks in Europe – have called on the European Parliament to exclude fossil fuels from the EU recovery fund, the Recovery and…
Over 1 million people call for green recovery from COVID-19
Green 10 coalition of environmental organisations, Brussels – Over one million people and 100 environmental NGOs across Europe are calling on the European Union to restart its economy by launching the biggest green investment plan the world has ever seen, financed by the bloc’s increased budget and recovery instrument. Tomorrow 15 May, MEPs will decide…
Letter to EU Commission: Democracy is a prerequisite for a green and just recovery
Read the letter to EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen here. In order for the EU to deliver on a green and just recovery, all levels of government must…
15 European governments call for green recovery plan
Ten governments from across the EU issued an open statement calling for a green recovery as a response to the Covid-19 crisis and the resulting economic downturn.
Ending wildlife trade -for health and planet
Read the full letter to European Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius and Commissioner Phil Hogan here.