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EU must take its chance to ban harmful weed-killer, glyphosate
The EU should put health and environmental protection before the private interests of companies like Bayer, and ban glyphosate once and for all.
MEPs exempt super-polluting factory farms from regulation
In a blow to EU nature protection, MEPs have voted to exempt even the most polluting factory farms from regulation under the EU’s industrial emissions directive.
EU food safety authority waves through glyphosate despite safety concerns
Greenpeace is calling on the EU to reject market re-approval for glyphosate, a controversial pesticide ingredient.
Energy is a human right and should be treated as such!
It's time to ban energy disconnections. People need more than a winter truce. Access to energy shouldn't be a battle in the first place.
Don’t Look Up, climate anxiety, and the lies that are fueling the climate crisis
Don't Look Up shows us how powerful corporations work to delay meaningful political action. Greenpeace and others are fighting back against fossil fuel industry lies, says Georgia Whitaker.
Greenpeace blocks Shell refinery in Rotterdam port
More than 80 activists from 12 EU countries used fossil fuel ads from all over Europe to block the entrance to Shell’s refinery in the port of Rotterdam, calling for an EU ban on fossil fuel advertising
EU governments overlook root causes of pandemic and climate crisis
Plans discussed at an EU summit in Brussels to tackle the pandemic will again ignore the role of climate change and habitat destruction in the emergence and spread of viral infections like Covid-19. Similarly, measures to respond to the climate crisis will duck the question of the inadequacy of the EU’s target according to science,…
Environment and health concerns ignored by EU agriculture ministers
A statement by European agriculture ministers on the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) ignores the impacts on public health and the environment, according to Greenpeace. The text comes ahead of…
Joint letter on changes to EU decision-making concerning health, agriculture and food
Five environmental, health and agriculture organisations (Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace, HEAL, IFOAM EU and Pesticide Action Network Europe) wrote to EU Commission President Juncker to propose ways to…
Glyphosate licence renewal suspended in light of health concerns
Several EU governments oppose Commission plan for 15-year lease Brussels – A national experts’ vote on the European Commission’s plan to grant a new 15-year lease to the herbicide glyphosate…