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EU deforestation law to be delayed as new threat emerges from EU-Mercosur trade deal
The EU's deforestation law will be delayed after right-wing attempts to gut it failed, but the EU-Mercosur trade deal could still deal the deforestation law a fatal blow
Which way will wind blow as new EU Commission enters troubled waters?
The new European Commission endorsed by the European Parliament on Wednesday will face an early test of its political direction as it prepares to navigate choppy seas.
“Cruel” trade loopholes let European companies export toxic products banned from EU market
More than 100 organisations call on the EU to close "hypocritical, cruel unfair and intolerable" trade loopholes.
Report: Toxic Double Standards in EU trade
Download the full joint briefing here.
Open letter by civil society on the rollback of green measures in the EU
With only a month to go until European elections, over 140 civil society organisations are raising the alarm in a new open letter about a broad attack on many of the EU’s flagship green measures and commitments.
EU summit: competitiveness miracle cure erases social and environmental programme
Living standards and nature are under threat from the latest EU competitiveness drive, which government leaders are expected to announce at a summit in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday.
Farmers are right to protest — but Green Deal is wrong target
Farmers across Europe are struggling and are hitting the streets to protest. But when politicians and big agriculture lobbies blame Europe's green legislation, they are not only misleading farmers, they are risking their survival.
Commission tries to extend use of toxic glyphosate beyond 2023 – Greenpeace
Brussels, 12 October 2023 – EU government representatives will meet on 12-13 October to discuss and vote on a European Commission proposal for a ten-year licence for controversial weedkiller glyphosate.…
MEPs exempt super-polluting factory farms from regulation
In a blow to EU nature protection, MEPs have voted to exempt even the most polluting factory farms from regulation under the EU’s industrial emissions directive.
EU food safety authority waves through glyphosate despite safety concerns
Greenpeace is calling on the EU to reject market re-approval for glyphosate, a controversial pesticide ingredient.