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UN biodiversity target set to be missed by eight decades, Greenpeace warns
A report released today warns that at the current rate of progress, the 30x30 ocean target won’t be achieved at sea until 2107.
From Commitment to Action
Getting on track will require hard work and determination. Through the Global Ocean Treaty, the global community can deliver the 30x30 target and ensure the long-term health and sustainability of the ocean beyond borders.
What is the UN Biodiversity COP16 and why is it so important for nature and humanity
The UN Biodiversity COP16 is a crucial moment for the protection of the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth. Let’s demand our governments take meaningful action to stop nature destruction.
Hotter Water: oceans cannot keep pace with changes caused by climate crisis, warns new report
A new Greenpeace International report presents compelling evidence of the climate crisis’ disastrous impacts on the ocean and coastal communities.
In Hotter Water
To this day, less than 1% of the high seas – the largest habitat on Earth, comprising 64% of the world’s ocean – is fully or highly protected from human activities.
Greenpeace expose Norwegian deep sea mining company – Viking actor joins protest against Loke
Activists from Greenpeace Norway launch a protest action against Loke Marine Minerals, a Norwegian company that wants to start deep sea mining in the depths of the Arctic and the Pacific Oceans.
Gambling with the deep sea: Those betting on mining the Arctic
The deep sea mining process will disrupt ecosystems that have developed over thousands, if not millions, of years, and destroy vital habitats and unique species that play essential roles in the greater marine ecosystem.
Music stars perform on Arctic ‘iceberg’ in call for ocean and climate protection
British six-time Grammy winner, Jacob Collier, has collaborated with Norwegian alt-pop superstar, AURORA, for the first time in a magical performance in the Arctic.
Deep Sea Mining in the Arctic: Living Treasures at Risk
This report dives deep into one of the most diverse, vulnerable, rare, remote, and least understood ecosystems in the world; underlining the risks of allowing yet another extractive industry where climate change is already wreaking havoc.
Arctic biodiversity under threat from deep-sea mining plans, Greenpeace report warns
Norway deep sea mining plans in the Arctic will cause irreversible harm to biodiversity, a new Greenpeace International report warns.