50 Years of Greenpeace
Half a century of hope in action
How does one celebrate five decades of trying to change the world in a world so desperately in need of change?
First, we honor the fact that we are standing on the shoulders of the incredibly brave individuals who came before us and put their bodies and hearts and souls in harm’s way for the planet. We remember those who are no longer with us, whether by age or misfortune, and we offer our deepest gratitude for the legacies they have left behind.
We can celebrate 50 years of milestones that have exposed a host of outrageous practices—the dumping of toxic waste at sea, the wholesale slaughter of whales, the reckless destruction of ancient forests, the enslavement of individuals for the sake of a can of tuna—and rightly held them up for public outrage and necessary reform.

We can thank our supporters and allies and volunteers for their energy and creativity. These fifty years would have been impossible without each and every one of you. We recognize the contributions of those whose faces you might never see but who have decided to dedicate their talents and expertise to the work that happens every day at Greenpeace US.
Most importantly, we can pay tribute to fifty years of Greenpeace by readying ourselves for the work to come and imagining the world we can build together over the next fifty years.