Leave a legacy
Giving to Greenpeace USA through a will, living trust, and other estate plans
Leave a Legacy with Greenpeace
We know that your priority when making your estate plans is to provide for your loved ones, but many people find that even after they’ve done this, they can leave something to a cause they hold dear in their heart.
Leaving a legacy gift to Greenpeace USA in your will, living trust or designating Greenpeace USA as a beneficiary of an account is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support the environment, your community and your loved ones

It costs nothing during your lifetime, but will have a powerful and lasting impact on future generations.
In order to stay independent and do the important work we do, Greenpeace takes no money from corporations or the government. Greenpeace relies entirely on support from members like you.
We’re fighting for our environment, and we can’t do it without you.
If you would like to explore leaving a legacy gift to Greenpeace USA in a will or trust, click here to start your free will or to find out more.
A beneficiary designation is easy and quick to make. You may have a life insurance policy, a retirement plan, or an investment account that you may want to give to your family members, friends, or to a charity you care about. A simple change of beneficiary form may be all that is required. Simply ask your bank manager or your financial advisor for the appropriate form, and for advice on the different ways to make this type of gift. You will need to provide our legal name, our tax ID number, and our mailing address.
To find out more about the types of gifts you may leave in your estate plans, we invite you to contact Greenpeace USA’s Planned Giving team directly at 1-800-328-0678 or Rogelio Ocampo at [email protected].
If you have already included Greenpeace in your estate plans, please fill out this quick form to let us know!
Greenpeace, Inc. is an independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest, creative communication, public advocacy, and lobbying to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green, just, and peaceful future. Greenpeace Inc. is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(4) entity.
The tax identification number for Greenpeace, Inc. is 52-1541501.
The address is: 1300 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1100 East, Washington, DC, 20005.