Our past campaigns
We’ve been campaigning for people and our planet for over 50 years. Learn more about some of the work that we’ve done in the past, but aren’t currently actively working on.
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The Arctic


Fire Drill Fridays




Department of Energy used gas industry insiders and consultants to build the case for soaring LNG exports
Overview For roughly the past decade, in the absence of a specifically articulated policy for reviewing liquefied natural gas (LNG) export applications, the Department of Energy (DOE) has adopted a…
Mining for power: connection between Bitcoin miners, corporate interest groups, and climate deniers
Introduction Greenpeace USA research reveals how the Bitcoin mining industry is interconnected with the fossil fuel and other polluting industry groups and climate denialists that oppose needed action to address…
The High Cost of Cheap Tuna: US Supermarkets, Sustainability, and Human Rights at Sea
Published: 02-13-2023 Edition: 2nd Download: PDF A net bulging with tuna and bycatch on the Ecuadorean purse seiner ‘Ocean Lady’, which was spotted by Greenpeace in the vicinity of the northern Galapagos Islands while using fishing aggregating devices (FADs). Around 10% of the catch generated by purse seine FAD fisheries is unwanted bycatch and includes…
Circular Claims Fall Flat Again
A recent Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report projects that global plastic use and waste will nearly triple by 2060 with a meager increase in plastic recycling, resulting in a doubling of global plastic pollution. The United States Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) estimated that the volume of plastic waste in the U.S.…
Fake My Catch: The Unreliable Traceability in our Tuna Cans
US seafood company Bumble Bee, one of the leading companies in the canned tuna market with nearly 90% consumer awareness levels, and its Taiwanese parent company Fong Chun Formosa Fishery Company (hereinafter referred to as FCF), one of the top three global tuna traders, play an important role in the global tuna industry, and thus…
2021 Tuna Retailer Scorecard: The High Cost of Cheap Tuna
When Greenpeace USA published the first edition of Carting Away the Oceans (CATO) in 2008, not a single company out of the 16 major US retailers ranked on seafood sustainability received a passing score. Most of the companies surveyed had hardly given a thought to sustainable seafood; many had weak or non-existent policies, and commonly…
The Climate Emergency Unpacked: How Consumer Goods Companies are Fueling Big Oil’s Plastic Expansion
As the climate crisis intensifies, there is growing worldwide acceptance of the need to slash greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the burning of fossil fuels to limit global heating to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels
Acceptance of Unrecyclable Plastic Products and California’s Continued Exports of Plastic Waste Exports to Non-OECD Countries
To Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling SUBJECT: Acceptance of Unrecyclable Plastic Products and California’s Continued Exports of Plastic Waste Exports to Non-OECD Countries The co-signers of this…
Fossil Fuel Racism: How phasing out oil, gas, and coal can protect communities
Fossil fuels — coal, oil, and gas — lie at the heart of the crises we face, including public health, racial injustice, and climate change. This report synthesizes existing research and provides new analysis that finds that the fossil fuel industry contributes to public health harms that kill hundreds of thousands of people in the…
Comments Concerning the Ranking of Taiwan by the U.S. Department of State in the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report
Publication Date: April 1, 2021 Author: GLJ-ILRF and Greenpeace on behalf of the Seafood Working Group This document contains the Seafood Working Group (SWG)’s comments concerning Taiwan’s ranking in the…
Policy Briefing: Why the Department of Labor Must Put Taiwan-caught Tuna on its List of Goods Produced by Forced Labor
Last December, Greenpeace and 23 additional NGOs, trade unions, and businesses sent a letter to the US Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) Office of Child Labor,…
The Making of an Echo Chamber: How the plastic industry exploited anxiety about COVID-19 to attack reusable bags
In a new research brief, Greenpeace USA details the ways the plastics industry is exploiting people’s fears around COVID-19. Through front groups, corporate-funded research, and misrepresentation of scientific studies, the…
Greenpeace Sustainability, Labour & Human Rights, and Chain of Custody Asks for Retailers, Brand Owners and Seafood Companies
Greenpeace seeks a substantial transformation from fisheries production dominated by large-scale, socially and economically unjust, and environmentally destructive methods to prioritise smaller scale, community-based, labour intensive fisheries using ecologically responsible,…
Greenpeace Report: Real Climate Leadership
The next president and Congress must adopt policies to phase out domestic fossil fuel production as part of any comprehensive climate policy effort like a Green New Deal. This fossil fuel phase out should occur in tandem with policies to boost renewable energy and ensure a just transition for workers, communities and tribal nations. This…
Greenpeace Report: Too Far Too Often
“Too Far Too Often” details the unethical and inappropriate tactics employed by ETP and related companies against opponents of DAPL, and highlights how, in spite of increased global scrutiny and intense criticism of ETP’s tactics at Standing Rock to intimidate and quash opposition, ETP continues to apply many of the same tactics and to display…
Greenpeace Report: Contaminating the Courts
Corporations have increasingly begun to resurrect the legal strategy of expanding the concept of corporate personhood to argue that local, state, or federal environmental laws violate their constitutional rights. This trend isn’t totally new, but it has accelerated since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision.
California National Marine Sanctuaries Under Trump Review Contain Sizable Oil and Gas Deposits
Summary Findings Expansions of National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS) off the California coast ordered by Presidents Bush and Obama are currently under review by the Trump administration. A geospatial analysis has…
Scientific Integrity Complaint Regarding Arctic Oil Drilling Environmental Impact Statement
Greenpeace, the Center for Biological Diversity, and Friends of the Earth submitted a complaint under the Department of the Interior’s Scientific Integrity Policy requesting an investigation into the loss of…
Third Financial Quarter Coal Market Report: Risks to U.S. Coal Mining and Export Proposals (October 2015)
All prices are in USD unless otherwise noted. The information in the report is not financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice. This report was prepared by: Greenpeace, Sierra…
Smart Breeding
Genetically engineered crops are very limited in sophistication, being almost completely dominated by herbicide tolerance and insect resistance traits. Could the numerous tools of biotechnology deliver better outcomes? This report tries to answer that question. Genetic engineering has an inability to deal with complex (multi-genetic) traits (often the ones most useful, such as increased yield)…
Licence to Launder
The oil palm plantation being developed by Herakles Farms in the southwest region of Cameroon – an area of great biodiversity surrounded by five protected areas – illustrates what happens when irresponsible companies are not held accountable to local laws and processes. The companies activities pose a serious threat to forested areas and the communities…
The Myth of China’s Endless Coal Demand
The US coal industry – reeling from sagging domestic demand, plummeting profits, and tanking stock prices – is desperate for a new market for its wares, and it thinks it has found one in China. But in reality, the Chinese market for US coal exports may dry up before major new US coal shipments ever…
Apple Clean Energy Road Map
The following analysis updates our evaluation of Apple to account for its recent clean energy announcements, and outlines the additional steps Apple should take to fulfill its laudable ambition to set a new bar with a “coal-free” and 100% renewably-powered iCloud. Greenpeace International is rescoring Apple now because of its recent ambitious and public commitments…
The Lewis Powell Memo: Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy
Forty years ago today, on August 23, 1971, Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., an attorney from Richmond, Virginia, drafted a confidential memorandum for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that describes a strategy for the corporate takeover of the dominant public institutions of American society.
How Clean is Your Cloud?
How much energy is required to power the ever-expanding online world? What percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions is attributable to the IT sector? This report takes a look at the energy choices some of the largest and fastest growing IT companies are making, as the race to build “the cloud” creates a new era…
Taking Stock of Tuna
Tuna is the world’s favorite fish. It can be found from high-end sushi restaurants in Tokyo to family shopping trolleys in North American supermarkets and the dinner plates of Pacific island communities. With the world’s appetite for tuna now greater than what our oceans can sustain, tuna stocks globally are coming under pressure, suffering from…
Executive summary – Turning Up the Heat : Global Warming and the Degradation of Canada’s Boreal Forest
Download document Executive summary: Executive summary Canada’s Boreal Forest is dense with life. Richly populated with plants, birds, animals, and trees; home to hundreds of communities; and a wellspring…