Global Week of Action - Solidarity against Energy Transfer Lawsuit in Prague. © Ray Baseley / Greenpeace

Energy Transfer’s $300M lawsuit

Big Oil company Energy Transfer is suing Greenpeace USA for $300 million. 

Energy Transfer, the Big Oil company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline, is suing Greenpeace USA for $300 million because we dared to uplift the Indigenous-led opposition movement at Standing Rock. This case goes to trial in North Dakota in February 2025, and seeks to create new legal precedents that would quell the climate justice movement’s ability to organize, protest, and express dissent.

Simply put, our entire movement’s future could be in jeopardy.

Free Speech Message Delivered to Energy Transfer in Dallas. © Laura Buckman / Greenpeace

For more than 50 years, Greenpeace has exercised our right to peacefully protest and expose environmental harm — even when that means exposing powerful people and companies. That is the soul of Greenpeace. With this $300 million lawsuit, Energy Transfer has weaponized the U.S. legal system in an attempt to silence us at a time when our voices are needed most. 

If enough of us speak out, we can stop this abusive lawsuit, protect Greenpeace, and defend free speech.

Climate Strike in Schwerin. © Lucas Wahl / Greenpeace
Sign the open letter

Add your name to express solidarity with Greenpeace against Energy Transfer’s meritless $300 million lawsuit!

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Read the letter

We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, formally express our solidarity with Greenpeace against Energy Transfer’s meritless $300 million lawsuit.

Peaceful protest and free speech are fundamental human rights that underpin social progress. The Energy Transfer $300 million lawsuit against Greenpeace is an abuse of the legal system and a blatant attempt to silence legitimate work to protect people and our planet.

This lawsuit makes allegations that affect people far beyond Greenpeace. It attempts to rewrite the history of the Indigenous-led opposition movement at Standing Rock – by absurdly alleging that Greenpeace orchestrated the entire resistance. It seeks to hold the Greenpeace organizations in the US and Greenpeace International accountable for actions taken by unaffiliated and unknown individuals. This could have a chilling effect on anyone engaged in peaceful protest and assembly. It also attempts to sue over justified and protected speech, claiming it is “defamation.” This is corporate overreach that is part of a disturbing trend of attacks on advocacy and speech around the world.

We will not allow lawsuits like this one to stop us from advocating for a just, green and peaceful future. On the contrary, we will ensure they have the opposite effect, increasing the support for organizations like Greenpeace and strengthening the broader movement for justice.
This legal attack on Greenpeace is an attack on us all. We will not stand idly by. We will not be bullied. We will not be divided and we will not be silenced.

This letter has been signed by more than 400 organizations including, Amnesty International, Indigenous Environmental Network, Public Citizen, and UFCW International Union along with public figures like Jane Fonda, Adam McKay, and Susan Sarandon plus hundreds of thousands of individuals. If enough of us speak out, we can stop Energy Transfer’s abusive lawsuit, protect Greenpeace, and defend free speech. Add your name now!

More about the open letter

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