Podcast: Do Animals in the Wild Get Drunk?


March 1, 2016

Check out episode 12 of Completely Optional Knowledge, the podcast that answers questions you never knew you had. Some things in life are #CompletelyOptional — satisfying your curiosity doesn’t have to be one of them.

Drunk (?) Giraffe

Photo by Jon Pinder / Flickr. Creative Commons.

If you give a mouse a vodka tonic, will he even drink it?

That’s the question Ben Harrison — host of Let’s Drink About It — has brought to Completely Optional Knowledge. Ben enjoys a cocktail himself, and he wants to know if animals in the wild also rely on a little liquid courage to get them through. And who better to give us our answer than Dr. Robert Dudley, UC Berkeley biologist and author of “The Drunken Monkey,” a book about the history of primates’ relationship with alcohol.

As Ben and our host Andrew Norton discussed, this video of African animals “getting drunk” — as popular as it is — doesn’t really tell the story. Nor do these pandas (but they sure are fun to look at).

Drunk (?) Panda

Credit: gifbay.com.

Disclaimer: no wild animals were intoxicated in the making of this podcast, though the same cannot be said for human animals.

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