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Activists to protest nuclear fairy tales at Brussels summit
More than 600 organisations worldwide sign new anti-nuclear declaration for “Safe, affordable and climate-friendly energy for all”.
EU woefully unprepared for extreme weather
The European Environment Agency today published its first-ever European Climate Risk Assessment, containing stark warnings about catastrophic and urgent dangers from a warming planet. The European Commission
EU-Mercosur trade deal breaches EU climate laws – legal analysis
A trade deal between the EU and Mercosur countries would lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and is incompatible with EU and international climate laws.
Regulate fossil fuel lobbyists like tobacco, experts tell EU Parliament
Brussels – Oil, gas and coal lobbyists should be kept at arm's length from policy making, just like tobacco lobbyists, the European Parliament heard today in
EU climate target missing end to fossil fuels
European Commission scraps plans to cut farming emissions and stop subsidising fossil fuels
EU Parliament holding hearing on tobacco-style controls on fossil fuel lobbyists
European Parliament, Brussels – room ASP1G3 – 14 February, 14:30-16:00
EU 2040 climate plans: dodgy accounting and magic wands to hit the target
Brussels – On 6 February, the European Commission will release an outline of its proposals for EU climate targets for 2040 and for developing carbon capture and storage technology
EU climate science advisors call for end to fossil fuels
Brussels – The European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change made a series of recommendations for changes to EU policy needed to cut carbon emissions and avoid catastrophic climate breakdown.
New EU debt rules agreement slams brakes on green investments
EU finance ministers have agreed new national debt and deficit rules that would heavily impact governments’ ability to pay for the transition to clean energy and transport, sustainable farming and nature restoration, Greenpeace has warned.
EU dodges conflict of interest in new hydrogen grid
Brussels – The fossil gas industry will not be handed control of a future European hydrogen network, according to a deal concluded today on updated rules for the EU’s gas…