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NCAP Check for Maharashtra: None of 17 ‘Non-Attainment’ Cities Ready With An Implementable Action Plan
Greenpeace RTI query reveals that Action Plan Prepared by seven of the non-attainment cities in Maharashtra have been returned by CPCB and ten cities have not yet submitted any Action…
5 People-Powered Wins in India’s Environmental History
On India’s 72nd Independence Day, we look back at 5 milestones when people-power won major environmental battles in India’s history. Nuclear Liability Bill While India plans to increase its installed…
For a Plastic-Free Yamuna
Beat Plastic Pollution was the theme the world collectively celebrated this Environment Day 2018
Takes Two To Tango!
This Environment Day, the world could finally and unanimously convince itself to go Plastic Free. The good thing is, we have somehow managed to acknowledge the elephant in the room,…
Take Responsibility of your Plastic Waste: Greenpeace India urges Big Corporations
With a staggering figure of 24,940 tonnes plastic waste produced in India per day, it's more than urgent to rethink our use and dependency on single use plastics.
The Perils of Throw-Away Economy
I cannot help picturing the PET bottle I ungraciously bought in 2017 which is going to pollute the planet for the next 500 years.
Sundarbans: World’s Largest Mangrove Forest At Stake
The Sundarbans is a cluster of low lying islands in the Bay of Bengal spread across Bangladesh and the West Bengal region of India. It is the largest single block mangrove forest in the world and home to hundreds of species
Mahan celebrates democracy and the victory of peoples’ rights. Villagers protest against Land Acquisition Bill
Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh| March 30, 2015| The Government’s decision to stop Mahan coal block from mining, saving the forests and livelihoods of thousands was celebrated by villagers from 20 villages…
VICTORY: Coal Ministry confirms Mahan will not be auctioned!
The Ministry of Coal confirmed in a Right to Information reply that the Mahan coal block will not be auctioned, pursuant to the MoEF’s recommendation that it be kept off…
Coal Ministry confirms Mahan block will not be auctioned: RTI reply
New Delhi | March 20, 2015 | The Ministry of Coal confirmed in a Right to Information [1] reply that the Mahan coal block will not be auctioned, pursuant to…