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Battling the giants: How Greenpeace fights back against SLAPP lawsuits
The fight to protect the environment often looks like a battle between David and Goliath. And the Goliaths of our world will stop at nothing to silence those who oppose their destructive projects. One of their favourite weapons? SLAPPs.
COP16: Greenpeace unveils message outside UN venue – Pay Up for Biodiversity Finance
Leaders must stop the fall and put real money on the table—without urgent and adequate finance, promises mean nothing.
Greenpeace challenges JBS’ New York Stock Exchange listing and Netherlands move over links to corruption, deforestation and emissions
Greenpeace International’s lawyers have issued a legal letter to Dutch notary firm Loyens & Loeff, demanding it takes immediate action to assess whether it is appropriate and in accordance with its professional duties to continue to provide legal service to JBS, the world’s largest meat producer, due to its long-standing links to corruption, deforestation, climate…
More than 70 organisations sign manifesto in defence of Brazil’s Amazon Soy Moratorium
Market agreement that helped reduce deforestation in the Amazon has been subject to coordinated attacks in Brazil, with legislative proposals to harm those who act for nature.
What is the UN Biodiversity COP16 and why is it so important for nature and humanity
The UN Biodiversity COP16 is a crucial moment for the protection of the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth. Let’s demand our governments take meaningful action to stop nature destruction.
Brazil is on Fire
Due to a dangerous combination caused by human activity, Brazil is witnessing a sharp increase in the number of fire outbreaks across most of its territory.
Greenpeace Brazil flyover documents Amazon deforestation and fires hotspot increases
Dramatic increases to deforestation and fire hotspots in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest were measured in July.