Greenpeace USA research reveals the intricate web linking the Bitcoin mining industry with the fossil fuel and other polluting industry groups and climate denialists that oppose needed action to address the climate crisis.

This thought-provoking art installation is 11 feet tall and features smoking stacks representing the fossil fuel and coal pollution generated by Bitcoin mining, eyes adorned with bitcoin logos and red lasers, and cables protruding from its neck. The skull is made with electronic waste donated by Unirecycle, representing the millions of computers used to validate Bitcoin transactions, known as mining.
Greenpeace USA research reveals the intricate web linking the Bitcoin mining industry with the fossil fuel and other polluting industry groups and climate denialists that oppose needed action to address the climate crisis.

This thought-provoking art installation is 11 feet tall and features smoking stacks representing the fossil fuel and coal pollution generated by Bitcoin mining, eyes adorned with bitcoin logos and red lasers, and cables protruding from its neck. The skull is made with electronic waste donated by Unirecycle, representing the millions of computers used to validate Bitcoin transactions, known as mining.
Washington, DC (March 19, 2024)– Today, Greenpeace USA released an explosive report titled Mining for Power that exposes the connections between the Bitcoin mining industry, the fossil fuel and other polluting industry groups, and climate denialists.
The report’s key findings include:
1) Bitcoin industry groups have ties to conservative think tanks, policy networks, and politicians that are resisting action to address the climate crisis and slash harmful pollution but few connections to environmental organizations and renewable energy advocates despite industry claims about supporting sustainability.
2) There is substantial overlap between groups advocating for Bitcoin mining and groups backed by the conservative billionaire Koch brothers’ network and the ALEC network that push anti-environmental, anti-worker, and anti-democratic policies.
3) There is a revolving door between the Bitcoin mining industry and the government, particularly with the former Trump administration.
Erik Kojola, Greenpeace USA Senior Researcher, said: “Our research uncovered deeper and more extensive connections between proponents of Bitcoin mining and climate deniers than anticipated. The Bitcoin industry is akin to a house of cards that could topple at any time and people are working hard behind the scenes to ensure its longevity through greenwashing and deceit all at the expense of communities and the climate. The model legislation that advocacy groups are proposing across the country are only aimed at benefiting the miners, securing cheap energy, and ensuring a lack of reporting and transparency for the industry.”
Along with the report, Greenpeace USA created an interactive power map that shows the relationships between Bitcoin industry groups, conservative and corporate interest groups, politicians, and other stakeholders highlighted in the report.
Johanna Fornberg, Greenpeace USA Researcher said: “Bitcoin industry groups are caught up in a web that includes some of the most notorious climate denialists. This underscores the need for transparency and accountability within this industry to combat climate and community impacts. We hope to empower communities, policy makers, and investors to better understand the industry they are engaging with. Revealing who has power and influence in this industry is essential for holding them accountable for unsubstantiated claims, climate impacts, and harm to local communities.”
Bitcoin advocacy groups are waging a state-level battle pushing legislation that will give Bitcoin miners unchecked ability to operate, exploit resources like energy and water, and shirk accountability to the communities surrounding these often noisy and disruptive Bitcoin mines. This report unmasks the behind-the-scenes players facilitating the advancement of this exploitative industry while resisting transparency.
Link to Report
Link to Interactive Map
Contact: Gigi Singh, Greenpeace USA Campaign Communications Manager, [email protected], (631) 404-9977
Greenpeace USA is part of a global network of independent campaigning organizations that use peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace USA is committed to transforming the country’s unjust social, environmental, and economic systems from the ground up to address the climate crisis, advance racial justice, and build an economy that puts people first. Learn more at