The Energy [R]evolution demonstrates that transitioning to a renewable energy economy can free resources for economic development. It means more and better jobs, greater energy independence, and it is more democratic as citizens attain more control of energy production. Compared with the Energy Information Agency energy outlook, the transition to renewables creates more jobs at every stage of the energy transition, with more than 34% more jobs by 2030.

The Energy [R]evolution aims to wean the economy off dirty fuels as thoroughly and quickly as possible, and in a way that is technologically, politically, and ecologically realistic. This report is part of a global analysis showing how the international economy can transition to nearly 100% renewable energy by 2050, while assuming no new ‘breakthrough technologies’.
Download the Executive Summary
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Partners and Contributors: Greenpeace International; Greenpeace USA; European Renewable Energy Council; Global Wind Energy Council; DLR, Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Department of Systems Analysis and Technology Assessment (Stuttgart, Germany); Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology (Sydney, Australia); energynatutics, GmbH (Langen/Germany); Onehemisphere (Sweden)