All articles by Greenpeace Staff
New Report: 60% of US Oil & Gas Production and Local Infrastructure Protected by Draconian Anti-Protest Laws
Our current climate emergency is a direct result of the oil and gas industry’s operations. Frontline activists should not face extreme, life-altering legal risks for putting their bodies on the…
Greenpeace USA Pushes Back- This is NOT a Democracy
These actions pose serious threats to our democracy, and as such, our ability to advance climate justice. Through these harsh tactics, officials are protecting polluters and punishing activists. Washington, DC…
Greenpeace USA Stands in Solidarity with Three Arrested Activists
Greenpeace USA opposes this escalation of dirty tactics by the State of Georgia to scare activists that are using their voice to stop the Cop City development that many in…
3 Years after George Floyd, Racism is Still the Biggest Threat
I often reflect on the past few years and the profound impact they had on me, my community, and our movement. The year 2020 was a disorienting and terrifying time…
History in the Making: Greenpeace USA Announces Ebony Twilley Martin As Sole Executive Director
Throughout my journey, I have seen the devastating effects of environmental racism accelerate with the climate crisis. Black, Brown, Indigenous, and working class communities suffer first and worst. Simply put,…
Greenpeace USA Executive Director Tells President Biden: We’ll See You In Court
You have once again tried to sacrifice people who live in nearby communities to oil and gas company profits. Washington DC (March 15, 2023)–This morning Earthjustice filed a lawsuit on…
Jane Fonda delivers 5.5 million signatures calling for a Global Ocean Treaty
It is at our own peril to delay any further. I urge you as a mother, a grandmother, and a citizen of this world. New York (February 21, 2023)-As the…
Annie Leonard Steps Down; Ebony Twilley Martin Appointed Sole Greenpeace USA Executive Director
Annie’s work has positioned GPUSA well for the work ahead as we remain unwavering in our hope and will continue to be relentless in our pursuit of justice and liberation,…
Democracy and Climate: The Clock is Ticking
There are two existential threats facing the country: the attack on democracy and catastrophic climate change. WASHINGTON, DC (September 1, 2022)–In response to President Joe Biden’s primetime address to the…
The Voting Rights Act and Me: An Immigrant’s Love for American Democracy
Dr. Folabi Olagbaju, Democracy Campaign Director, Greenpeace USA On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, a moment that goes down in American history as finally…