The fight to save the Arctic is heating up. The region is more impacted by global warming than any other place in the world. And as if the impacts of climate change weren’t enough, international oil companies have invested in exploiting the oil that lies deep in Arctic waters.

Ice Floe in the Arctic

Activism helped to stop Shell and convince the U.S. government to take the Arctic off the table for oil drilling for two years, but now we need to keep fighting strong to stop all other oil companies from drilling in the fragile ecosystem at a later date. We need to shut the door on Arctic drilling for good.

The Arctic & Global Warming

The people and animals that live in the Arctic depend on its unique ecosystem to survive. For them climate change is not a debate, it’s a daily reality. And with the region warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, Arctic ice is melting even faster, as the ocean absorbs the heat.

Read more about the impacts of global warming and the Arctic.

Arctic Oil Drilling

Arctic Ocean drilling is a gamble with catastrophic consequences for the people, wildlife and the sensitive ecosystem of the region. And yet major companies like Shell and Exxon are making aggressive moves to usher in a new “oil rush” in the Arctic Ocean. Although the Obama administration made the Arctic Ocean off limits to offshore oil drilling for two years, those protections are at risk. We need a longer term fix — we need to keep the Arctic Ocean off-limits to oil drilling forever.

Read more about why we can’t allow oil drilling in the Arctic.