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EU summit: competitiveness miracle cure erases social and environmental programme
Living standards and nature are under threat from the latest EU competitiveness drive, which government leaders are expected to announce at a summit in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday.
Dumping EU green rules a poisoned gift for farmers
Brussels, 11 April 2024 – Greenpeace activists installed a giant poisoned apple outside the European Parliament in Brussels, urging politicians in the parliament not to give farmers a poisoned gift…
Leaked strategic agenda: military ambition leaves EU vulnerable to ecological collapse
A leaked plan to ramp up investments in the EU weapons and military industry would leave people in Europe vulnerable to the security impacts of the escalating climate and nature crisis.
Activists confront politicians and lobbyists responsible for farmers’ hardships
Big food companies make monster profits at the expense of most farmers, consumers and nature
Farmers are right to protest — but Green Deal is wrong target
Farmers across Europe are struggling and are hitting the streets to protest. But when politicians and big agriculture lobbies blame Europe's green legislation, they are not only misleading farmers, they are risking their survival.
More misery for farmers as EU Parliament endorses draft law to deregulate GMOs
Brussels - The European Parliament (EP) has endorsed a controversial European Commission plan that exempts many new genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from current safety rules, ignoring critical science, and farmer and consumer rights.
MEP backing for GMO deregulation threatens rights of farmers
The European Commission proposal on new GMOs, and amendments supported today by the European Parliament’s environment committee, risk violating the rights of farmers and consumers, according to new legal analysis by Greenpeace.
Draft EU law on new GMOs threatens legal rights of farmers, faces ECJ rejection
New legal analysis by Greenpeace has found the draft law by the European Commission on new GMOs could violate the individual rights of farmers, in particular their fundamental rights to property and the freedom to run a business.
EU governments fail to agree Commission plan for new GMOs to escape safety testing
Agriculture ministers failed to reach a political agreement on a plan by the European Commission that would allow a new brand of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) produced with new genomic techniques (NGTs) to escape safety testing. The proposal would scrap most safety checks governing the release of GMOs, despite scientist warnings.
Spanish EU presidency pushes ahead with controversial plan to allow new GMOs to escape safety testing
Greenpeace EU media briefing – December 2023