All articles by Safina Okumu
What is happening in the courts is going to change our lives!
As the climate justice movement grows, more climate cases are being heard by international courts, with the power to raise states' responsibilities to act on the climate crisis.
What Do We Want? Climate Justice! When do we want it? Now!
2023 has been a watershed year in the climate justice movement. The number of climate justice cases in front of international courts and tribunals surged this year. Here's why.
Planet One: Supporting the growing global youth movement for climate justice
In the face of an increasingly urgent climate crisis, a global youth movement is rising to the challenge, demanding action, and reshaping the narrative around climate change.
Keeping up with the Carpathians – 6-week expedition into the Carpathian Mountains
This six-week journey over five countries through the Carpathian mountains was a massive reality check for Greenpeace CEE volunteers, staff and activists
African feminist academy for climate justice: Uniting feminists for a sustainable future
AFACJ was an experience that left an indelible mark on my heart, mind, and soul and spoke to how far feminism in Africa has evolved from fighting stereotypical gender roles to a more authoritative “I am here.”
#CitizenClimate Series 05: James Wakibia
Citizen Climate is an on-going series about global citizens taking action, big and small, for the sake of a healthier planet for us all.
Ana Sama Jën – Where is my Fish?
Fish processors - mostly women - and fishermen have been fighting back for years against the fishmeal factories and the trawlers that supply them. They've been protesting and lobbying - but this case is a massive escalation in that struggle.
7 ways Gen-Z (and you) can get involved in climate action now
The system is deeply unjust. Those impacted first and worst by ecological crisis have done least to cause it. Here is what the youth can do about it.
Animations we loved this year — 7 short films that inspire action
Who doesn’t admire a well crafted animation? Especially one that lifts the spirit and emboldens you to uproot oppressive systems to make way for a better world.