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US pharmacy giant making wrong choice for the Boreal Forest
Spanning North America, Russia, Japan and Scandinavia, the Boreal is the world's largest carbon absorbing ecosystem, purifying the air you breathe and keeping the climate stable.
Why FSC’s move to protect Intact Forest Landscapes is key for the Congo Basin
In September 2014, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) members voted with an overwhelming majority at their General Assembly to protect "the vast majority" of Intact Forest Landscapes (IFLs) in and around FSC certified forest management areas.
Posted: Good news for forests!
Today, 3M – the company behind the iconic yellow Post-It Notes – announced a new sustainable paper buying policy. This comes after years of campaigning by our friends at ForestEthics with recent support from Greenpeace.
Tropical deforestation is bad news – the science keeps telling us
This month, a major review of the impacts of tropical deforestation on agriculture makes clear the link between tropical deforestation, changes in temperature, rainfall patterns and subsequent risks to food production.
FSC puts business interests first
As a member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in Switzerland, as well as a Greenpeace campaigner focused on doing everything I can to protect our planet's last untouched forests, I am alarmed that FSC has already decided to allow Swiss-German timber group, Danzer, back into its system.