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The many faces defending the Great Northern Forest
“Hi, would you like to have your photograph taken to help protect the Great Northern Forest?” Earlier this year, we took to the streets to ask people this very question. Our dream is that the critical forest landscapes in this beautiful forest should be protected.
Wiping Away the Boreal
Human activities are currently driving the world’s species to extinction at up to 1,000 times the natural rate. To protect biodiversity and the functioning ecosystems that are vital to our wellbeing, we must reduce and ultimately halt our destruction and degradation of natural habitat.
Clearcutting Free Speech
Canada’s Great Northern Forest is an ancient forest, shaped by forces of nature and stewarded by Indigenous Peoples since time immemorial. Also known as Canada’s boreal forest, it has some of the last large expanses of undisturbed natural forest, is home to threatened species, and is one of the world’s largest terrestrial stores of carbon.…
To protect forests and free speech, lend your voice (literally!)
Can you imagine a world where Greenpeace and other advocacy groups are no longer able to stand up for our forests, oceans and climate? A giant logging corporation called Resolute Forest Products is fighting to make this sinister vision a reality.