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  • FSC Case Studies

    To keep FSC certification as a credible tool to help protect forests, Greenpeace International is publishing a series of case studies exposing controversial operations that are posing the greatest risk to the FSC’s integrity. We will also be highlighting best practice operations that are meeting and/or exceeding the FSC’s principles and criteria. These case studies…

    Greenpeace International 3 min read
  • A Russian coast guard officer is seen pointing a gun at a Greenpeace International activist as five activists attempt to climb the 'Prirazlomnaya,' an oil platform operated by Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom platform in Russia’s Pechora Sea.

    Are you being SLAPPed? How corporations and governments try to silence public debate

    The lawyers at Greenpeace International are a creative, dedicated team who tackle a wide range of duties. Part of our work is preparing legal strategies and defence for cases against Greenpeace International. We also monitor legal cases in which other Greenpeace organisations worldwide are involved. As a member of this team it gives me a…

    Karianne Bruning 4 min read
  • People on a Road in DRC Rainforest © Thomas Einberger / argum / Greenpeace

    4 reasons we all should #StandForForests

    We cannot sustain life without healthy, thriving forests. That is why Greenpeace campaigns for their protection and on this International Day of Forests, we want to share with you a few reasons why you should help.

    Greg Norman 2 min read
  • Boreal Forest - Montagnes Blanches, Quebec © Markus Mauthe / Greenpeace

    FSC suspends three of Resolute’s certificates

    The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) was created in 1993 to allow companies and the public to identify products coming from responsibly managed forests. In order to protect the world’s last remaining intact forests, consumers and companies who want to source products from responsibly managed forests need to trust the FSC label.

    Grant Rosoman 3 min read
  • Virunga National Park in DRC © Greenpeace / Jan-Joseph Stok

    Cutting to the truth on Congo Basin deforestation

    The Congo Basin is home to the second largest tropical rain-forested area on earth. New research publicised this week suggests that the rate of deforestation in the region is actually slowing.

    Danielle Van Oijen 3 min read
  • Czech Activists Uncover Illegal Logs from DRC © Ibra Ibrahimoviç / Greenpeace

    The lengths illegal wood will travel

    Look around and check if you see any wood surfacing. It might be a cupboard in your kitchen, your chair, or the desk you are reading this on. Then chances are you see tropical veneer.

    Danielle Van Oijen 3 min read
  • Conflict Timber Action in Caen Port© Nicolas Chauveau / Greenpeace

    Danzer feels the bite as the FSC show its teeth

    To the layperson the world of forest certification is often a technical one that does not seem to operate at what could be called a breakneck pace. However, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has this week reached a landmark decision that fits the old adage that ‘good things come to those who wait’.

    Danielle van Oijen 3 min read
  • Action at Mattel HQ in California. © David McNew / Greenpeace

    Success: Barbie and Mattel drop deforestation!

    Mattel recognized it couldn’t allow its supply chains to include products coming from deforestation and that toy packaging shouldn’t come at the costs of rainforests and tiger habitat.

    Laura Kenyon 4 min read
  • Mattel Product Barbie. © Greenpeace

    Mattel’s controversial career choice for Barbie: rainforest destroyer

    She has had a lot of different professions over the years but Mattel’s latest choice for Barbie: ‘Rainforest Destroyer’, is arguably the most controversial career choice yet.

    Laura Kenyon 2 min read