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FSC Case Studies
To keep FSC certification as a credible tool to help protect forests, Greenpeace International is publishing a series of case studies exposing controversial operations that are posing the greatest risk to the FSC’s integrity. We will also be highlighting best practice operations that are meeting and/or exceeding the FSC’s principles and criteria. These case studies…
FSC suspends three of Resolute’s certificates
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) was created in 1993 to allow companies and the public to identify products coming from responsibly managed forests. In order to protect the world’s last remaining intact forests, consumers and companies who want to source products from responsibly managed forests need to trust the FSC label.
Success: Barbie and Mattel drop deforestation!
Mattel recognized it couldn’t allow its supply chains to include products coming from deforestation and that toy packaging shouldn’t come at the costs of rainforests and tiger habitat.
Mattel’s controversial career choice for Barbie: rainforest destroyer
She has had a lot of different professions over the years but Mattel’s latest choice for Barbie: ‘Rainforest Destroyer’, is arguably the most controversial career choice yet.