Chevron’s profits are our loss!

Chevron Grand Prix Protest at Manhattan Beach, California
Greenpeace USA activists gather for a group photo at the 61st Annual Chevron Manhattan Beach Grand Prix in Manhattan Beach, California. Greenpeace USA activists call out Chevron’s sponsoring of the Manhattan Beach Grand Prix cycling race with banners and signs that read “I love cycling, but Chevron breaks my heart!” in protest of their involvement in the race. The 1.3 mile course winds through the streets near Chevron polluting facilities.

Chevron’s profits are our loss!

MANHATTAN BEACH, CALIFORNIA (July 14, 2024)–This morning, Greenpeace USA activists deployed a banner at the finish line of the Manhattan Beach Grand Prix, an annual road cycling race in Southern California. The banner, which read “I love cycling, but Chevron breaks my heart!” protested the corporation’s sponsorship of the race and was a nod to Chevron’s toxic legacy in California. 

Photos of today’s event are available here

Greenpeace USA’s California Climate Campaign Director, Zachary Norris, said: “Chevron needs to accept that its legacy is a toxic one, and can’t be covered up by sponsoring family-friendly events like today’s race. This greedy company drains our wallets, drills in our neighborhoods, and poisons our air, all while locking us into a future filled with climate-fueled disasters. Their profit is our loss – and California communities and our planet shouldn’t have to take the hit. It’s time for Chevron to get out of the Manhattan Beach Grand Prix and for them to start paying for their share of California’s climate chaos.”

Chevron has contributed to a $10 billion dollar mess of idle wells across California, many in Black, Brown, Indigenous, immigrant, and low income communities. Earlier this year, a report showed that Chevron was producing an abysmal 3 barrels of oil per day per well in California. With these wells open, Chevron is able to avoid paying to properly cap them and clean up its mess. 


Contact: Katie Nelson, Greenpeace USA Senior Communications Specialist, [email protected], +1 (678) 644-1681

Greenpeace USA is part of a global network of independent campaigning organizations that use peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace USA is committed to transforming the country’s unjust social, environmental, and economic systems from the ground up to address the climate crisis, advance racial justice, and build an economy that puts people first. Learn more at