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Greenpeace India welcomes MoEFCC move for National Clean Air Program; calls it as the “Important First Step” towards tackling air pollution
Greenpeace India welcomes the National Clean Air Program (NCAP)
MoEFCC: For People Or For Thermal Power Plants
Is this too much to ask for? Has the health of our children become so unimportant that we have been ignoring their pleas for a bit of clean air to breathe?
As India struggles to breathe, over 300 coal power plants are violating air pollution laws and MoEFCC does nothing.
As of December 7, more than 300 coal power plants across the country are still violating the emission standard norms that were given by the MoEFCC back in 2015. These norms were to come into effect by the 7th of December 2017. But despite being given two years to implement these norms, the Ministry of…
With Less Than 24 Hours to Go, Citizen Activists Say “Enough Is Enough”
Two years ago, coal power plants were given new emission norms to follow. The deadline has come. Tomorrow, on the 7th of December 2017, all power plants must have complied with the norms.
Greenpeace India demands Regional Action Plan to control air pollution in Uttar Pradesh
Cities of Uttar Pradesh are none-too-better-off than Delhi when it comes to alarming levels of air pollution from Ghaziabad to Varanasi
Over A Thousand Delhiites Renew Hope For A Greener Planet And Pledge To Go Solar
Greenpeace India’s Solar Shakti campaign evokes an overwhelming response from Delhi and other major cities; thousands of people from all over the country pledge to install rooftop solar New Delhi…
Silence On Climate Change At The Modi-Trump Meet
Silence on climate change at the Modi-Trump meet shows that the world will move on without US leadership. New Delhi | June 27, 2017| The absolute silence on climate change…
Going Solar – A Great Investment Plan
India is emerging as a world leader in solar. As the third largest solar market globally1, a market that is growing by 90%, making the potential of solar in our country quite tremendous. Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the International Solar Alliance - an alliance of solar potential rich countries - on the first day of…
Sun – The Ultimate Source Of Our Energy
‘Connecting People to Nature’, is the theme for World Environment Day 2017.
Delhi makes way for a Solar Comet on World Environment Day
A Greenpeace India initiative, the house on wheels, fitted with necessary household appliances running on rooftop solar panels, will tour Delhi to raise awareness and increase uptake of solar power among residents