Delhi, India, 22 July 2019 – In response to developments following India’s Supreme Court ordering the eviction of millions of tribal and other forest-dwelling people in February 2019, Greenpeace reaffirms that it opposes the violation of human rights in the name of conservation.
Indigenous Peoples and traditional communities are among the best guardians of the forests. Their rights to lands, territories and resources must be respected in any forest conservation, protection, restoration or reforestation programs, including their right to free, prior and informed consent for decisions that will affect their interests and traditional territories.
Specifically on India’s Forest Rights Act:
Greenpeace supports the Open Letter of Appeal by AIPP-IWGIA to the Prime Minister of India, on the Supreme Court Order of 13 February 2019 on the Forest Rights Act, undersigned by a number of NGOs and civil society groups. Greenpeace India would like to draw attention to the appeals listed at the end of the letter, which, among other demands, appeals to the government to reverse the court order and as per the law, that every village in forest areas in the country receives title to protect and manage their community forest resources.
Greenpeace India Press Desk: [email protected], +91 11 47665000
Greenpeace International Press Desk: [email protected], +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours)
I stand in solidarity with the Indigenous people’s rights to their ancestral forest lands. Thank you, Green Peace India for your inner conviction and strength to protect the rights of all life for health sakes and environmental justice. Blessings to you!
Thanks Carol.
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