Help our activists go home

Hi there,
So here’s what happened:
On 30 November, the 4 of us – Al, Ash, Jens, Sam – boarded a tanker that was about to load toxic plastic chemicals from South Korea’s Hyundai Daesan Refinery complex in Daesan, South Korea, to hold a peaceful protest. As a part of the Rainbow Warrior’s ‘Sailing for Change: The Plastic-Free Future Tour’ in East Asia, our goal was to deliver a strong message to cut plastic pollution to the world leaders gathered at the nearby city of Busan for the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC5) to negotiate a UN Global Plastics Treaty. This negotiation was a big deal, since the world is currently facing a massive plastic pollution crisis.
We were detained for nearly 2 days, and currently remain under investigation in South Korea, suspended from leaving the country for an indefinite period of investigation. In addition, Hettie, the Rainbow Warrior captain, has also been suspended from departure.
2025 has already begun, and our collective wish is to be granted leave from South Korea and rejoin our beloved family and friends back at our homes. So far, we have cooperated with the investigation and will continue to do so as we proudly stand by our direct action to speak out against the plastic pollution while calling for the protection of our planet and people on the democratic soil of South Korea.
Now, this is where you come in. We need your help to ask the prosecutor and the judge overseeing our case for a quick conclusion of our investigation (or at least allow permission to leave the country until our trial) so the 5 of us can fly back home to see our loved ones as soon as possible.
We’re grateful for each and every one of your support.
From Al, Ash, Hettie, Jens & Sam
Want more information about it?
Greenpeace challenges petrochemical tanker as Busan plastics treaty talks enter final stage