California State Legislature reconvenes to discuss record high oil and gas profits in the state
Activists demand that state legislators in California put people over profits.

Windfall Profit Tax Message at California Capitol in Sacramento
A team of Greenpeace US activists display banners off the balcony in the California State Capitol Building urging the Legislature to “Make Big Oil Pay” by passing a windfall profits cap on fossil fuel companies in the state. The Legislature, which commenced their special session, will explore a price gouging penalty for oil companies at the direction of California Governor Newsom.

California State Legislature reconvenes to discuss record high oil and gas profits in the state

Activists demand that state legislators in California put people over profits.

SACRAMENTO, CA (December 5, 2022)–Today, a team of activists released banners off the rotunda balcony in the California State Capitol Building urging the Legislature to “Make Big Oil Pay” and put “People Over Profits” by passing a windfall profits cap on fossil fuel companies in the state. The Legislature, which commenced their special session today, will explore a price gouging penalty for oil companies at the direction of Governor Newsom. While legislation text has yet to be released, the governor’s executive order implores the legislature to impose a significant financial penalty on companies’ excessive profit margins, and to return that money to everyday Californians. 

Photo and video will be available as soon as possible following the event.

Heidi Harmon, activist and former mayor of San Luis Obispo, said: “As a former mayor, I am calling on other local elected officials throughout the state to stand with their communities at this critical time. While the toxic fossil fuel industry sends gas prices sky-high for their own benefit, we demand economic fairness for the working families who are struggling to make ends meet. The greedy must be held accountable.”

While oil and gas companies are raking in record profits – $63 billion dollars in just Q3 of this year – California’s consumers are paying the highest prices at the pump in history. Gas prices have climbed as high as $9 a gallon in some parts of California, far higher than in other states.

Caroline Henderson, Senior Climate Campaigner at Greenpeace USA, said: “While gas prices and oil companies profits have reached record levels, we’re living a tale as old as the oil industry itself. Greedy fossil fuel companies are draining our wallets, fueling the flames of climate-driven wildfires, polluting our communities, eroding our democracy, and leaving us to foot the bill.  It’s time to put a muzzle on this unrestrained polluter greed. Californians deserve better than this – we need our legislators to pass a price gouging penalty.

Last week, five major California oil refiners failed to show up for a state hearing questioning the historic spike in the state’s gas prices. Nationally, Exxon Mobil reported their highest-ever quarterly profits of $19.7 billion in Q3, while Chevron reported their second-highest quarterly profit of $11.2 billion. In response, Democrats in both The House and Senate have introduced multiple bills to hold companies accountable for price gouging — but so far, they have failed to send anything to President Joe Biden’s desk.


Contact: Katie Nelson, Greenpeace USA Senior Communications Specialist, [email protected], +1 (678) 644-1681

Greenpeace USA is part of a global network of independent campaigning organizations that use peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace USA is committed to transforming the country’s unjust social, environmental, and economic systems from the ground up to address the climate crisis, advance racial justice, and build an economy that puts people first. Learn more at