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Greenpeace USA slams Biden Administration’s failure to downgrade Taiwan in latest Trafficking in Persons report
Today, the US government has once again awarded Taiwan a Tier 1 ranking in the most recent edition of the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report. The high placement was granted…
International Seabed Authority Rushes to Open Deep Seas to Mining Amid Calls for a Moratorium
The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is fast-tracking regulations that could allow the deep sea mining industry to begin operations as early as July 2023. The regulations are being discussed at…
Palau, Fiji, and Samoa launch Alliance Against Deep Sea Mining
The Pacific nations of Palau, Fiji, and Samoa today announced their opposition to deep sea mining and the launch of a new alliance to prevent the destructive industry from getting…
Greenpeace USA welcomes President Biden’s efforts to address illegal fishing and forced labor in seafood supply chains, while noting more action is needed
President Biden issued a National Security Memorandum on Combating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and Associated Labor Abuses that advances a whole-of-government approach to address the interconnected challenges of…
Can you trust that shiny can of tuna that promises to be sustainable and ethically sourced?
Global seafood supply chains are “notoriously opaque”, leaving the door open for environmental and human right abuses. It’s time for major US brands and retailers to increase transparency and traceability…
Greenpeace USA welcomes Hy-Vee’s private label tuna supplier vessel report
US retailer Hy-Vee announced on Friday the publication of their private label tuna supplier vessel documentation report. The report follows Greenpeace USA’s request for major US grocery retailers to share…
Why protecting the ocean means protecting people
When you read the phrase ‘ocean conservation’ what images come up in your mind? A mighty blue whale? Cute penguins from our recent Antarctica trip? Maybe some fish swimming in…
The Rainbow Ocean: 5 Ocean Species to Celebrate Pride Month With
Greenpeace has been associated with the rainbow since we first began, it’s an emblem of hope and diversity on all of our ships, and it’s in the name of our…
Nine people indicted for abusing crew members on Taiwan owned fishing vessel – Greenpeace response
Nine people who worked on board the distant water fishing vessel Da Wang, have been indicted on charges relating to forced labor and physical abuse. The vessel captain, first mate,…
Allegations of lack of independence and transparency between the International Seabed Authority and the mining industry reinforce need for moratorium on deep sea mining
“The issues outlined in the LA Times piece are reflective of broader concerns that civil society has with the direction that the International Seabed Authority (ISA) has taken under the…