Greenpeace Energy [R]evolution 2010

June 22, 2010

Every day, millions of people whose stories you won’t hear are suffering the direct effects of our addiction to fossil fuels. Asthma, cancer, mutilated ecosystems, devastated communities — these are the hidden costs of our backward energy system, and we’re paying those costs right now, whether we know it or not.Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. According to the Nobel prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we must peak global warming pollution by 2015 and nearly eliminate it by mid-century.

Greenpeace Energy Revolution 2010

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Executive summary: The threat of climate change demands nothing short of an Energy Revolution — a transformation that has already started, as renewable energy markets exhibit huge and steady growth. At the core of this revolution will be a change in the way that energy is produced, distributed and consumed. The five key principles behind this shift will be to:

• Implement renewable solutions, especially through decentralized energy systems
• Respect the natural limits of the environment
• Phase out dirty, unsustainable energy sources
• Create greater equity in the use of resources
• Decouple economic growth from the consumption of fossil fuels

Num. pages: 112

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