The answer to our oil addiction is not to find another dealer but to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and rehabilitate off poisonous fossil fuels that are killing us and undermining democracy.

Greenpeace-Aktivistinnen und -Aktivisten demonstrieren mit Kajaks vor der Schleuse im Hafen von Bremen gegen Ölimporte aus Russland, die Putins Krieg in der Ukraine mitfinanzieren. An die Bordwand des 40.000 Tonnen fassenden Tankers “Seasprat”, der weiterverarbeitetes Öl aus dem russischen Ostseehafen Primorsk liefert, haben die Aktiven in zwei Meter großen Lettern „Peace – Not Oil” gemalt. Das Schiff wartet auf die Durchquerung der Schleuse.
The answer to our oil addiction is not to find another dealer but to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and rehabilitate off poisonous fossil fuels that are killing us and undermining democracy.
Statement on President Biden’s ban of Russian oil imports from Anusha Narayanan, climate campaign director at Greenpeace USA:
“The answer to our oil addiction is not to find another dealer but to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and rehabilitate off poisonous fossil fuels that are killing us and undermining democracy. President Biden’s ban on Russian oil must signal an end to the exploitative fossil fuel industry and the multinational oil syndicates that are driving wars and the climate crisis. This action must be coupled with an all-hands-on-deck effort to deploy renewable energy that would relieve costs for families and help us break free from the volatility of oil price swings. The oil and gas industry and its political allies are trying to exploit the war in Ukraine to increase dirty fuel production in the U.S. under the guise of energy independence. This is nonsense. True energy independence and a peaceful future can only come from renewable energy.”
- The Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense, as well as the National Security Council and director of national intelligence, have all issued reports stating that climate change poses a threat to national security (Source).
- Financial regulators are also calling it an emerging threat to the stability of the U.S. financial system (Source).