You’d be crazy not to

by Rick Hind

March 18, 2010

We can’t let the chemical industry lobbyist win! They’ve been blocking strong chemical security legislation for nine years. These “big business” lobbyists are pulling out all the stops to prevent safety from prevailing. In 2008 Greenpeace identified 169 lobbyists registered to keep Congress from enacting a strong chemical security law. We can’t let them win!

Do you have a few minutes to help us win this important campaign? All you have to do is pick up your phones and call your Senators. It’s easy to do and makes a big difference.

Step 1: Pick up your phone and call the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask for your Senator and you’ll be transferred to their office line. If you don’t know your Senator, the switchboard will help you find that out.

Step 2: When the receptionist answers the phone tell them your name and where you’re from (city, state).

Step 3: Ask if you can leave a message for your Senator. Here is an example of a message that you can leave,

"As a concerned citizen and one of your constituents, I’m calling to ask you to co-sponsor and support Senator Lautenberg’s Secure Chemical and Water Facilities Act when it’s introduced and comes up for a vote. Putting millions of Americans needlessly at risk when there are safer alternatives readily available is dangerous and doesn’t make sense."

Step 4: Once you’ve made the call, brag about it! Tell us you made the call and we’ll jump for joy.

I made the call

It’s just unbelievable that one in three Americans are put at an unnecessary risk from dangerous chemical plants. It’s time for all of us to do our part to get the word out. Thank you so much for your help.



Rick Hind

By Rick Hind

Rick was the legislative director at Greenpeace USA. From the time he joined the organization in 1991 to leaving in 2016, he was a go-to source for journalists covering toxics and chemical security issues. He has been quoted in a wide range of national publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, CBS News, NPR, FOX, and many more.

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