Join Greenpeace at Action Camp 2017!

by Melissa O'Neil

December 2, 2016

Calling all activists and changemakers! Join Greenpeace for Action Camp 2017, a six-day-long non-violent direct action training and skillshare.

Greenpeace Action Camp

Participants at Greenpeace's Action Camp 2016 practice their climbing skills. Photo by Ian Foulk / Greenpeace.

Greenpeace is gearing up for another Action Camp in March of 2017, and we’d love for you to join us! The election of Donald Trump — and the climate deniers, white supremacists, and corporate billionaires he’s bringing with him to the White House — make the creative, peaceful, diverse movement we foster at Action Camp even more vital. We need people with skills and courage to gather, who are willing to stand up and speak out, and who love this world and will work tirelessly to protect it.

Greenpeace is offering a six-day, intensive training to learn and share non-violent direct action skills like climbing, scouting, arts & creative resistance, and blockades. We are looking for people who want to create change in their communities and in the world.

If you are interested in coming together with other activist-minded folks, honoring diversity, and working across difference, please consider joining us from March 2 to 7 at Action Camp outside Tampa, Florida. Head here for details on the program and how to apply. Applications will close on January 6, 2017 — don’t miss out!

Not convinced yet? Don’t just take it from me. Here’s a story from 2016 Action Camp participant Britt Baker (pictured below):

Greenpeace Action Camp 2016

“On July 29, 2015, I logged in to social media and found my timeline bombarded with epic imagery and articles chronicling Greenpeace’s aerial blockade against Shell Oil in Portland, Oregon. An old love was immediately rekindled as I was reminded of my time on the frontlines of environmental activism. I quickly began searching for ways to get involved again.

“I knew of Action Camp, but I had my reservations. As a genderfluid, queer, and frequently marginalized person of color, I didn’t know if I would fit the generic image of a “Greenpeacer.” But while no space is perfect, Action Camp made strides to be intentional and inclusive for all.

“Not only did I make friends, I built a family of like-minded, forward-thinking changemakers ready to shake things up. I’ll never forget looking down from 50-foot scaffolding, with a guitar attached to my climb kit, feeling like I could actually change the world. I was challenged to step outside of my comfort zone and into a world full of creative possibility — and resistance.”

Apply today for Action Camp 2017! For questions or volunteer inquiries, please contact Melissa O’Neil at melissa.oneil [at]

By Melissa O'Neil

Melissa O'Neil is part of the actions team at Greenpeace USA.

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