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‘Hell of a year’: Greenpeace comments on hottest year on record, the first to exceed 1.5°C
Reacting to the 2024 Global Climate highlights report by the WMO, Copernicus, Met Office, NASA, and other global climate monitoring organizations showing new climate extremes reached in 2024
A world on fire: How industrial agriculture and reckless financiers are driving destruction in Brazil
The climate crisis is severely impacting our world, but instead of protecting nature and people, our governments are not acting. Meanwhile, destructive companies, and the financial system that are enabling them pursue massive profits while Brazil’s precious natural areas turn to ashes.
Brazil is on Fire
Due to a dangerous combination caused by human activity, Brazil is witnessing a sharp increase in the number of fire outbreaks across most of its territory.
Insurance is no longer working; why should Big Oil pay?
With violent weather events turning more numerous than at any other time in history, insurers are finding their original purpose becoming unsustainable.
The climate emergencies of 2023
We outlined some of the climate emergencies of the year in this blog — from torrential rains in Southeast Asia that resulted in catastrophic floods and landslides, to droughts in Africa that exacerbated the region’s hunger and poverty.
Caring for the Amazon Rainforest in the age of fire
The world is witnessing in horror historic record high temperatures. The planet is on fire in nature's response to our inaction against climate change. But in the Amazon, the fires have a slightly different cause - greed.